Naomi Onishi
1965 Born in Osaka, Japan
1990 Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts
Prized the Yamaguchi Award
1991 Stayed in China
1992 Master of Art, Major: Japanese Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts
Selected for the Mayor’s Award
1993 Started working at the printing company
(Mainly worked on designing calender and catalogues)
Stayed in Spain
1996 Retired from work to marry and give birth
2001 Accepted for the 1st Art Fair Osaka 2001 – START -
2008 Having 4 children and creating original and unique arts
1965 Born in Osaka, Japan
1990 Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Painting, Kyoto
City University of Arts
Prized the Yamaguchi Award
1991 Stayed in China
1992 Master of Art, Major: Japanese Painting,
Kyoto City University of Arts
Selected for the Mayor’s Award
1993 Started working at the printing company
(Mainly worked on designing calender and
Stayed in Spain
1996 Retired from work to marry and give birth
2001 Accepted for the 1st Art Fair Osaka 2001 –
2008 Having 4 children and creating original and
unique arts