Kouichi Fine Arts is pleased to present an exhibition of beautiful paintings by Shinji Ogawa.

Ogawa consistently modifies familiar scenes in a search to discover new possibilities in a world which is different from the one that is normally visible to us.

In the “Without You” series, Ogawa removed the human figures that acted as the central image in classical Western paintings by Vermeer, da Vinci, and others. In this exhibition, we present Vermeer’s “View of Delft” and “The Little Street” from “Without You” series. In the “Continuum” series, Ogawa draws and separates figures in classical Western paintings and Ukiyo-e prints. The methodology used to separate and draw the figures into different pictures within the same scenery in “Continuum” is an attempt to make two or more forms of a world that should be exist simultaneously. From “Continuum” series, we present the work painted in the motif of “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli.